Sorry, the practice is currently closed. If you need emergency medical assistance please dial 999. If you need urgent medical assistance please call NHS 111.

Why do we have regular Staff Training?

Staff Training – Protected Learning Time (PLT)

“Creating opportunities for professional learning and development”

Staff Training – Protected Learning Time (PLT) events are sessions for our GPs, Nurses, Health Care Assistants, Allied Health Professionals, Administrators, Patient Services Coordinators and Medical Secretaries.

PLT provides an opportunity for healthcare professionals and our supporting clerical teams to learn about new clinical development, updates to national guidance, and best practice whilst also allowing them to share their own experience and knowledge with their peers.

Fundamentally PLT is about improving patient care by providing a dedicated learning time for our team away from their busy day-to-day primary care work.

These training sessions take place ten times a year and will evolve and be tailored to the needs of our team. They are delivered in partnership with Herts and West Essex Integrated Care Board. All practices are provided with the opportunity for Protected Learning Time (PLT) and PLT for GP surgeries has been available for a number of years, nationally. PLT is commissioned by the NHS which then filters down to the ICB to formalise the dates. 

Furthermore, we have worked with Hemel Urgent Care Centre to ensure that when we are closed from 1:30-5:30pm our patients can call 111 who will cover our calls (this has been agreed) and support our patients if they require urgent medical attention or support. If it is a medical emergency patients should call 999.

Please see our planned timetable of Staff Training – PLTs for the next year, on these days the practice will be closed from 1:00-5:30pm, patients will also be sent a text reminder before each scheduled closure.

Thank you for your continued cooperation.

Date Day
10th July 2024 Wednesday
5th September 2024 Thursday
8th October 2024 Tuesday
6th November 2024 Wednesday
9th January 2025 Thursday
4th February 2025 Tuesday
5th March 2025 Wednesday