Sorry, the practice is currently closed. If you need emergency medical assistance please dial 999. If you need urgent medical assistance please call NHS 111.

Ukrainian Refugees

How to register with us:

To register with our practice, you will be asked to fill in a registration form, you can do that here, or you can pick up a paper form from any of our sites. If you complete the paper forms, once completed we ask that you can drop them back down to us. If you would like to use our online forms, please follow the relevant links below.

Adult Registration form -> Click HERE

Child U16 Registration form -> Click HERE


Information for Ukrainian Refugees

The situation in Ukraine remains at the forefront of all our minds and the NHS is starting to welcome citizens from Ukraine to Hertfordshire, including refugees.

All Ukrainians arriving in England will be able to access NHS healthcare free of charge, including GP and nurse consultations, hospital services, and urgent care centres. Ukrainians coming to the UK will also be offered COVID-19 vaccines.

Herts Welcomes Refugees has produced a page of useful information and resources about the NHS and how to access healthcare services which have been translated into Ukrainian. This can be found here.

An NHS England letter to help those without an NHS number to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine and register with a GP can be found in Ukrainian here and in English here.

Further information about vaccines, registering with a GP and what to do if you or someone you are caring for is ill can be found on the website: A leaflet is available in Ukrainian here and in English here.

Local Support Services

Integration Support Services – ISS’ mission statement is to support the successful integration of migrants, refugees, ethnic minority communities and groups in Essex and Hertfordshire and with a vision to see an integrated society where inequalities and barriers between different races, origins and beliefs do not exist.

Hertfordshire With Ukraine – This website provides information and resources to help you if you are planning on becoming a sponsor (having someone stay in a property you own), or a member of a support group (the wrap-around care for the sponsor and individual/family), for a Ukrainian guest(s). It outlines the main areas of support that those that are resettling are likely to need. It gives questions to consider, signposts to resources and advice from other volunteers with experience.