Sorry, the practice is currently closed. If you need emergency medical assistance please dial 999. If you need urgent medical assistance please call NHS 111.

Medication & Prescriptions

Requesting Medication

We encourage patients to use the NHS App or another online service to order their repeat medication, where possible.  The NHS App gives people who take regularly prescribed medication a quick, easy, and more convenient way to request their next repeat prescription. You can send your request any time of the day – no waiting for the practice to be open and no need to attend the practice. It can be accessed via your mobile phone, computer or tablet. You need to be age 13 or over to register. To find out more about the NHS App click HERE or for other providers click HERE, please note this is not an exhaustive list.

Should you not have access to or are unable to use an online service provider to order your repeat medication, you can submit a written request or use the right hand slip on your prescription which shows the authorised repeats available for you to order. Please tick and initial each item you require. You can post or deliver the slip to your surgery. If you are ordering using your Repeat Prescription Request slip please ONLY tick the medicines you need. Please put a line through the items that you do not need. If you do not have your repeat slip available, the dispensary can provide you with a copy.

Should you need to request an ‘acute’ medication, please complete an administrative eConsult form, which will then be sent to our team and reviewed by the doctor.

For reasons of confidentiality we are unable to take repeat prescription requests over the telephone. We also do not accept prescription requests via email. All requests for medication or repeat prescriptions require at least 5 working days notice.

You are able to request repeats a set number of times before your Doctor needs to review your records. If your last prescription showed that you have reached the limit on your medication cycle (i.e. 6/6) this means your prescription has EXPIRED and you have collected the final issue. In this instance:

  • You may be required to have a test,
  • You may be asked to see your Doctor, or
  • If none of the above are required we will automatically submit a request for your GP to reauthorise a new prescription ready for you to order next month.

If you’ve arranged to collect your medication or prescription from a pharmacy, please ensure you allow sufficient time for processing.

If you wish your prescription to be posted please provide a stamped self -addressed envelope.


Out of Hours

If you have run out of prescribed medicine and need some urgently, there are a few ways to get an emergency supply, including out of hours. Click HERE for more information.



At Rothschild House Group we are committed to providing high quality care to all our patients. One of those aims is to provide cost effective prescribing and reduce waste.

To comply with guidelines the practice operates a 28 day prescribing policy. This may mean 28 days for most drugs or 63 days for contraception and HRT.

A dispensing service is offered to all patients who live more than one mile from a pharmacy, suburbs included can be found on this document.

We offer weekly delivery to all patients over the age of 70 and those that are housebound for which we dispense medication.

For further information on this service please contact your Surgery.



We require at least 5 workings days to process repeat prescriptions. Please also check with your Pharmacy as different waiting times may apply and allow more time before a bank holiday.

Prescriptions ordered after 6pm cannot be dealt with until the next working day.

Prescriptions or medications will last for one month as per Department Of Health guidelines and repeat prescriptions will need to be ordered.

Find your nearest pharmacy – NHS (


Prescription Charges and Exemptions

Extensive exemption and remissions arrangements protect those likely to have difficult in paying charges (NHS prescription and dental charges, optical and hospital travel costs).

The NHS prescription charge is a flat-rate amount which successive Governments have thought it reasonable to charge for those who can afford to pay for their medicines.  From April 1st 2023, the NHS charge for a single prescription item will be £9.65. 

Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need extensive medication. If you are on 2 monthly medications or more it is more cost effective to purchase a PPC and the charges of these are:

  • 3 Month PPC                  £31.25
  • 12 Month PPC                £111.60

Telephone advice and order line 0845 850 0030

General Public – Buy or Renew a PPC On-line

HRT Prescription Prepayment Certificate (PPC)

You can now get cheaper HRT through the new HRT Prescription Prepayment Certificate (PPC). This could save you money if you pay for more than two HRT prescriptions within 12 months. For more information click HERE

There is further information about prescription exemptions and fees on the NHS website


Patient Information Leaflets

Should you wish to access written information about a specific medication, you can use the Electronic Medicines Compendium Website (alongside others) to access a Patient Information Leaflet. Please note there are different leaflets dependent on the manufacturer. Some of these leaflets are available in an accessible format such as braille. You can contact the EMC accessibility line on 0800 198 5000 or click HERE for further information on other formats available.


Valproate Patient Guide – Women or Girls of Childbearing Age