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Training Practice

As a Doctor and GP Training Practice we regularly have either Oxford Medical Students, Foundation Year Doctors (FY), or Specialist Trainee GP Registrars (STs) undertaking placements with us for up to 12 months.


Medical Students

We have Medical Students as part of our clinical team, throughout different times of the year and for varying lengths of time. They are still at University undertaking their medical degree and are completing part of their clinical training with us. This experience is crucial for their education, providing them with hands-on experience in a primary care setting, which they may then choose to pursue once they have finished their further training. They will have longer appointments and be closely mentored by one of our GPs, who will assist them throughout their time with us.

Foundation Year Doctors (FY)

Rothschild Group provides placements for Foundation Doctors. Foundation Doctors are fully qualified Doctors who are rotating around various specialities to increase their knowledge and experience. Some of them may choose to go on to do further training to become a GP and others may want to become surgeons or specialist Doctors in a hospital setting. Each Foundation Doctor will be with us for a 4 month placement. They will be closely supervised and assessed throughout their time with us.

Specialist Trainee GP Registrars (STs)

As a training Practice Rothschild Group has GP Registrars working as part of the team. A GP registrar is a fully qualified, experienced Doctor who is completing a further 3 years training in order to become a GP.

GP registrars have daily surgeries, undertake home visits and help with on-call doctor duties. Their placements with us vary in length, depending on their stage of training, from 4 months to over 12 months. They are supervised and assessed on a regular basis. Patients may on occasion, be asked whether they mind having their consultation videoed for assessment purposes and/or to complete patient satisfaction questionnaires.