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Work Patterns


Dr Avinash Gupta (Senior Partner) – Tuesday all day, Thursday all day and Friday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street.

Dr Masoud Amini (Partner) – Monday all day, Tuesday all day and Thursday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street and Friday all day The New Surgery.

Dr Caitlin Bevan (Partner) – Monday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street, Tuesday all day The New Surgery, Wednesday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street..

Dr Jessica Britto  (Partner) – Tuesday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street, Thursday all day The New Surgery and Friday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street.

Dr Stuart Caldwell (Partner) – Tuesday all day The New Surgery and Wednesday AM, Thursday all day and Friday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street.

Dr Sarah Gallagher (Partner) – Monday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street, Tuesday all day Pitstone, Thursday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street.

Dr Radhika Ravichander (Partner) – Monday all day, Wednesday all day, Thursday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street.

Dr Alexandra Wainwright (Partner)- Wednesday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street and Friday AM Pitstone.

Dr Rosie Bartholomew – Tuesday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street, Wednesday AM Rothschild House, Chapel Street and Thursday all day The New Surgery.

Dr Megan Bowen – Monday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street, Tuesday all day The New Surgery and Friday all day Rothschild House Surgery, Chapel Street.

Dr Ciara Cronin – Monday all day, Wednesday all day and Thursday all day Rothschild House Surgery, Chapel Street.

Dr Randula Haththotuwa – Tuesday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street, Thursday all day Pitstone, Friday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street.

Dr Michael Keane – Monday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street, Wednesday AM Rothschild House, Chapel Street and PM Pitstone, Thursday PM Rothschild House, Chapel Street.

Dr Janine Mawby – Tuesday AM, Wednesday all day and Friday AM Rothschild House, Chapel Street.

Dr Alisha Patel – Wednesday all day and Thursday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street.

Dr Rupal Patel – Maternity Leave.

Dr Matt Parfitt (covering Dr Gibbs-Jones maternity leave) – Monday all day Pitstone, Tuesday all day and Wednesday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street.

Dr Kate Thilthorpe – Tuesday all day, Thursday all day and Friday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street.

Dr Craig White – Tuesday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street, Wednesday AM Pitstone, Thursday all day and Friday all day Rothschild House, Chapel Street.



Dr Kate Thomson (Senior Partner) – Tuesday all day, Thursday all day, Friday all day Berkhamsted.

Dr Sara Atkinson (Partner) – Tuesday all day, Wednesday all day, Thursday all day, Friday AM Berkhamsted.

Dr Theo Sacca (Partner) – Monday AM, Tuesday all day, Thursday AM and Friday all day Berkhamsted.

Dr Angelan Arunan  – Tuesday all day, Wednesday all day and Friday all day Berkhamsted.

Dr Rebecca Hunt – Monday all day and Thursday all day Berkhamsted.

Dr Rebecca Holland – Wednesday all day and Friday all day Berkhamsted.

Dr Katy Joynson – Monday all day and Tuesday all day Berkhamsted.

Dr Kate West – Monday all day, Wednesday all day and Thursday AM Berkhamsted

Dr George Woodger – Wednesday all day and Friday all day Berkhamsted



Dr Panikos Sissou (Partner) – Monday all day, Wednesday PM, Friday all day Markyate.

Dr Kate Smith (Partner) – Tuesday all day, Wednesday all day, Thursday AM Markyate.

Dr Monica Khiani – Monday all day, Wednesday AM and Thursday all day Markyate.

Dr Georgina Maguire – Monday all day, Tuesday AM and Friday all day Markyate.

Dr Randeep Sangha – Tuesday, Thursday and Friday all day Markyate.