Sorry, the practice is currently closed. If you need emergency medical assistance please dial 999. If you need urgent medical assistance please call NHS 111.

Practice Closure – Staff Training Wednesday 17th May

Posted on May 11th, 2023

All of our sites and dispensaries will be closed from 1:00pm on Wednesday 17th May for staff training.

ONLY Tring (Chapel Street), Berkhamsted and Markyate will reopen at 5:30pm.

For Urgent Medical Issues or advice between 1:30-5:30pm please go to or call 111 where your issue will be assessed and you may be asked to attend an Urgent Care Centre.

After 5:30pm call the Practice for Urgent Medical issues ONLY where your issue will be assessed and you may be asked to attend the practice.

You can also submit an eConsult form that will be reviewed within 2 working days.

Thank you for your continued cooperation,
Rothschild House Group