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Patient Charter

Caring RespectfulContinuity

At the heart of everything we do you’ll find these values – our principles, standards and behaviours we abide by to deliver the best care possible for our patients.

  1. Named GP – We provide Continuity of Care, each patient has a named GP that oversees their care. Patients GP Appointments will normally be with their Named GP.
  2. Multi-Disciplinary Team – Patients are seen by the most relevant clinician in our healthcare team to ensure they receive the most effective care in a timely manner.
  3. Listening – Understanding each patient’s health goals and managing this together. We work with our Patient Participation Group to develop our services.
  4. Accessible – We strive to be as accessible as possible to all our patient groups. Patients choose their preferred type of consultation (in person, telephone etc.)
  5. Innovative – We strive to be innovative and to use the latest medical developments to improve access for patients and to improve Patient Care.