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NHS App Text Message Integration

Posted on September 5th, 2023

Our text message provider has launched a new automatic integration system.

Going forward if a patient has the NHS App downloaded AND notifications switched on, any Batch Message or Batch Florey (questionnaire) will automatically be sent to their NHS App with a push notification so the patient is aware we have sent a message for them to read/respond to. Therefore, we encourage you to opt-in to NHS App push notifications if you haven’t already.

What is a Batch Message? It is when we send a text message to a large percentage of our patient group to advise for example, of practice closures for staff training.

What is a Batch Florey? It is a questionnaire sent via text message which requests a response, to ascertain more information about an ongoing health condition such as asthma.

Please be reassured if the message is not read by the patient within three hours, it will automatically revert to sending the message via text instead.

Thank you for your continued cooperation.