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Flu and Covid Autumn Booster Vaccination Clinics

Posted on November 10th, 2023

We would like to say a massive thank you, to all staff and PPG members involved in our flu and Covid booster clinics during September and October 23.

This year the surgery delivered both the seasonal flu vaccination programme and the Covid autumn booster vaccination programme alongside each other. This is the first time the Covid vaccination programme has been delivered at practice level for Rothschild House Group.

We ran a mix of weekend and weekday clinics, across our five sites.

In total we administered:
💉 5599 – Flu Vaccinations
💉 4248 – Covid Booster Vaccinations

These figures include our housebound patients too.

It was great to see many of our patients and to hear the kind comments made to our team about the excellent care and service they provide to them. This is very much appreciated!
