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Carers Coffee Morning

Posted on September 2nd, 2023

Following the feedback we received after our Carers Coffee Morning held during Carers Week we will now be holding them every three months.

Our next Coffee Morning will be on Thursday 28th September 2023, 10am – 12pm at St Martha’s Methodist Church, Park Road, Tring, HP23 6BP.

It is a chance to meet other carers over a cup of tea, relax, chat and if you wish to bring a friend for support then please do so.

We have contacted our registered carers to invite them to this event however if you are a carer, are registered at the surgery and have not received an invite, we would love to see you there too. Please complete our register as a carer form so we can update our records for future events, click HERE.

We look forward to seeing our carers there!