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Vaccinations (Incl for Travel)

NHS Vaccination Schedule

NHS vaccinations and when to have them – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Travel Vaccines

Before you travel it’s important to find out whether you will need additional vaccinations for the country you’re visiting.

Ideally we would like you to arrange your travel appointment with the Practice 6 weeks before you intend to travel. This is to ensure that there is sufficient time to allow for a primary and booster vaccination if required as some vaccinations are not effective immediately or require a series of injections. 

For more information on which vaccines you may need visit:

For general travel advice visit:



If you do require vaccinations for your chosen destination, please book an appointment with a Nurse to discuss your upcoming trip and to confirm which vaccinations you need.

Please let the Patient Services Coordinator know your consultation is for the travel clinic so they can book you with an appropriate member of staff.

Once again we kindly ask you allow as much time as possible before your trip to have this consultation so we can put a vaccination plan in place and to ensure we have the required vaccinations in stock.



Unlike community pharmacies or private clinics we are able to offer routine travel vaccinations free of charge through the NHS in addition to our free Travel Clinic consultation with our Practice Nurses.

These include:

  • Hep A
  • Typhoid
  • Diphtheria / Tetanus / Polio combined

Other vaccinations are not covered by the NHS and, as private treatments, they incur a cost.  These include Yellow Fever, Hep B, Rabies, Meningitis ACWY and Malaria.  We do not keep stock of all vaccinations and they may need to be ordered in. 

Please be advised that payment for the full course of vaccinations is required at your first appointment with the Nurse.

Vaccination Doses Cost
Tetanus Every 10 years £nil
Hep A


2 doses 6-12 months apart £nil


1 dose £nil


2 doses 1-6 weeks apart £nil


2 doses at least 1 month apart £nil
Meningitis ACWY (under 25 yrs)


1 dose (usually given in school yr 9) £nil
Malarone tablets (Malaria tablets)Note 3


See note 3 for doses £3 per tablet
Meningitis ACWY (over 25 yrs)


1 dose £55 per dose
Hep B (Engerix B) 3 doses (0,1,6 months) or,

Accelerated schedule 4 doses (0,1,2 and 12 months) or,

Very rapid schedule 4 doses (0,7 and 21 days, 12 months)

£50 per dose

(£150 for 3 dose course)

(£200 for 4 dose course)

Hep B Child (Engerix B Paed) 3 doses (0,1,6 months) or

Accelerated schedule 4 doses (0,1,2 and 12months)

£25 per dose

(£75 for 3 dose course)

(£100 for 4 dose course)

Yellow Fever


1 dose £70 per dose
Yellow Fever replacement card


Ticke Bourne Encephalitis Note 1 2 doses (0 and 1-3 months)

Accelerated schedule, 2 doses (0 & 2 wks)

£65 per dose

(£130 for 2 dose course)

Japanese Encephalitis 2 doses (0 & 28 days) £105 per dose

(£210 for 2 dose course)

Rabies Note 2 3 doses (0, 7 & 21-28 days) £85 per dose

(£255 for 3 dose course)

Note 1 – A 3rd dose is available as a Booster to provide longer term immunisation. This is normally given 5-12 months after the 2nd vaccination.

Note 2 – The normal Rabies vaccination is not internationally available. Travel clinics are able to offer an alternative “off-label” Rabies vaccination, but the fee for this is higher than the previous vaccine.

Note 3 – Malarone has to be taken every day in order to protect you from malaria. Treatment consists of one tablet taken once a day. You need to begin taking Malarone tablets 2 days before you travel to a risk area. You also need to continue treatment for 7 days after you have returned to a malaria-free area. So for a 7 day trip 16 tablets are required (2+7+7)

Note 4 – Where a private prescription is requested to purchase travel vaccinations elsewhere then a charge of £15 is payable