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🔹Free Events to support your Health & Wellbeing – 20th February 2025

Posted on February 20th, 2025

🔹Pitstone Health and Wellbeing Evening, Saturday 1st March,
5pm-9pm FREE EVENT🔹
Claire Winzar our H&W coach will be there to inform you of services available via the surgery and in the community.
We hope to inspire you to make healthy lifestyle changes for the sake of your future.


💚Drop-In healthy Hubs at Victoria Hall Wednesday 5th March, 2nd & 30th April
10am-12.15pm FREE EVENT💚
Have a chat and a cuppa with Healthy Hub Dacorum Officer Tyler Osborne, GP Practice Health and Wellbeing Coach Claire, and the GP Practice Social Prescriber.
Providing social connection to alleviate isolation.
Improving your health by gaining support with things such as losing weight, reducing drug and/or alcohol intake, quitting smoking, getting fitter and healthier, mental wellbeing, improving employability and digital skills, getting money advice, sexual health testing kits and much more…
